Saturday, October 30, 2010

Missoula Animal Control

I was doing to some quick research on the Missoula's License information for dogs in the city and I found on the Animal Control website a neat little gadget to add on to The Dog Place. At the very bottom of the page is a photo, name and the breed of an adoptable dog at Missoula Animal Control, it's supposed to change on a daily basis, but we will see how that goes!
Keep your tails wagging,
The Scribbler

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Balance In Time

As always, I feel that as a writer I should try to keep myself as unbiased as possible when it comes to writing about things I am deeply involved in. However, I also believe that emotions have a place and a time when a debate like wolf populations and their effects on the ecosystem, agriculture and conservation is occurring. Some days I feel there are people on this planet who let their hearts guide what their mouth says and it comes out beautifully, so much so that they can create very moving and powerful, interesting commentary but in some cases their words can create a powerfully negative effect on someone who doesn't believe in the same things they do. These powerful emotions are what guide us into the debates in the first place but if we cannot learn to agree to disagree, where will we be?
Our country is based on the founding fundamental right to democracy. If we all deserve this democracy, then why are there still those who feel unheard, ignored, pushed the side? Everyone deserves to be heard, their claims released into the gene pool of information that will hopefully create a new biological event that we will some day call an answer. But why are their those of us (meaning the world) that cannot bear to hear the words of someone they disagree with? Is it for fear of being wrong? Being ashamed? Being degraded? Don't they know that the same person they are forbidding themselves to hear has the same fears?
Why are there people who believe that because someone else doesn't have the same beliefs that they do, they are "misguided, heartless, incompetent" and a slurry of other demeaning words? These words only create more tension and inability to share their thoughts with the world. 
What happened to respect for someone? Shouldn't respect be freely given in a debate where everyone feels they are right? Why wouldn't someone in this case be right? I am sure that their facts and information would have been right at one point, but because of that, it doesn't mean someone is incompetent, heartless or misguided. Wouldn't the easiest thing to do be an open forum, where one person speaks at a time? Wouldn't it be easier if there was a forum with all the answers? I would be willing to be that in a room of conservationists, hunters, agriculture peoples and the citizens that do not apply to those groups, could come to an equalized decision based on facts. Isn't this what we subject our criminals and law breakers too?
As a writer, sometimes I get a head of myself in my personal dreams, hopes, questions and concerns by writing them down and betting someone will agree. But this one time, I don't need someone to agree with me. What I deserve is respect for my beliefs because I don't want to shove them down your throat and I don't want to force you to understand. What I want is to be able to freely voice my opinion without fear of someone shoving their beliefs and force me to understand how they feel just because I opened up. 
By writing this, I hope that I have affected someone in a positive, non-aggressive manner. When I wrote this, it wasn't my attention to poke eyes or disturb hearts set on their believes. I know from my many high school classes that it is easier to change someones virtues before you change their beliefs. 
So with that, I will say adieu. 
Keep your tails wagging,
The Scribbler

Wolf Populations and their Genetic Diversity

In The News Place, I have posted an article I found in the Missoulian's website. It's very interesting and I feel that it's impact on the current wolf debate is should be noted. 
Keep your tails wagging!
The Scribbler

The Wolf Place Poll

Until I figure out how to add a poll as a gadget on the side of my website, I added the poll to The Wolf Place. If you have an opinion and you want to be heard, the best way to do that is VOTE! Our country is based on this freedom, so why not use it?
If you have any comments feel free to add them, there is a comment box at the bottom of each page! 
Keep those tails wagging,
The Scribbler

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Top 10 Pet Owner Mistakes

As I was out of town for the weekend, I wasn't able to update my blog with something interesting about dogs, the news or other important things that may have popped up. However, a friend of mine, at Nolaleigh book reviews, found a very nicely written article about the Top 10 Pet Own Mistakes and I think it's a very beneficial read for anyone with a pet or about to get one. I copied and pasted the article into The Dog Place for anyone who is interested!
As always, keep those tails wagging!
The Scribbler

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bringing Your New Friend Home

I have added a post in The Dog Place about a check list of things to go over for anyone thinking about buying/adopting a new puppy! This is also helpful for people who have already bought the puppy but haven't brought them home yet so feel free to browse it!
This is The Scribbler, signing out.
Keep those tails wagging!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cheap, Fashionable Collars

I have put up a new link on The Dog Place for those of you looking for a good sturdy, appealing collar for your best friend! Take a look I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.
The Scribbler
Keep your tails wagging!

The Importance of Fences

I just wanted to post a quick blog about the importance of fences because on the way into town I almost hit one of my neighbors very (obviously) friendly Labrador. He was in the street fallowing two teenage boys. I will go into more detail about more reasons why you should have a fence later. However if you find your self with an escapist (like the beagle I had growing up) then PLEASE give them a collar with tags!
This is the Scribbler, signing out.
Keep your tails wagging!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The First Among Many

Alright, so this is my second attempt at becoming a blogger and I must say, this will be a learning experience for me. I started with WordPress and I think I'm going to stick with Blogger- it's more simple and easier to use, which is good. I'm a working college student and I need it to be as easy as it gets.
This blog will be a community of many different topics which range from dog training and a few tidbits on recent articles on the news about different happenings around the animal kingdom to a few musings on Harry Potter and different books that I read, including the ones I am required to read by my classes at the University of Montana. However, for now, this is just the first post of many that I hope to follow up with considering that writing is a skill not many posses (and I hope to require better writing skills as I know I am not the most polished writer in the world).
So for now, this is The Scribbler, signing out to study for my Principles of Biology Exam at 1:00 p.m.
Keep your tails wagging!