The Dog Health Page
Holiday Chewing/Swallowing Warnings
During the holidays, some families find it hard to keep on eye on that rambunctious puppy or dog, that has never quite gotten the hang of self control over object they shouldn't chew on like shoes, couch ends, pillows, and my favorite: laptop charging cords. With the beginning of the presents season, let's take a quick look at the list of things you should keep an eye on when you pet is in the room:
Zip ties: They strap every toy into those blasted boxes of no return and they end up everywhere are your carpet Christmas morning and during those early hours, some of us forget to pick them up.
Holiday Cakes: Remember, dogs cannot digest the theobromine in chocolate. Even small amounts can be lethal.
Plastic: The plastic that covers Barbie in her box, when folded, can create very sharp edges for your dogs mouth, be sure to throw these out for the teething puppy.
Christmas Lights: Yes, dogs have eaten these. Be sure to leave these on the tree and not on the carpet for your dog to play with and possible ingest.
Money: Both dogs and humans need zinc to perform as healthy individuals. The newer pennies are made of zinc, but like every other vitamin, mineral, etc, you CAN have too much. The possibility of zinc poisoning is higher and higher with every penny swallowed so keep those pennies in your pockets!
There are many other things that dogs have swallowed, but these seem to be the most prevalent in everyones daily lives. If you have others that you would like to warn dog owners about, post it in the comments box below and I will add it (with your credit) into this post.
Happy Holidays and Keep Those Tails Wagging!
The Scribbler
Instead of finding you a list of foods your dog can't eat, I'm going to give you a list of foods your dog is able to eat with the holidays coming up. I know some of you like to spoil your dogs, so let's do it the healthy and toxin free way, shall we?
10 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat
You know you're not supposed to feed your dog chocolate, onions, grapes/raisins, macadamia nuts and avocados. And you monitor for sensitivity to common food allergens such as meat, corn, wheat and soy.
But you're only human, and sometimes it's hard to resist your dog's sweet stare as he begs you with his eyes to share some of your delicious homo sapiencuisine. When you want to give him a treat from your table, do you know which "human" foods are safe to feed your pup?
To find the answer, we called upon Liz Palika, author of "The Ultimate Pet Food Guide," and animal nutritionist, Susan Lauten, PhD, of Pet Nutrition Consulting, to explain which fresh, frozen and canned foods people typically eat that are safe for dogs to consume too.
1. Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are all healthy options for your pooch. "My dogs will take me down over cantaloupe," says Lauten. "I am required to share the whole thing with them." Consult animal poison control before feeding your dogs any of the more exotic melons.
- *(The Scribbler): Anything that I love that my dogs can have as a plus, and my little Papillon, Lily is a chow hound and will eat ANYTHING that I do!
2. Sunflower seeds (shelled): Skip the salt if possible, or serve in moderation, recommends Lauten. "Remember, treats should not comprise more than 10 percent of your dog's daily calorie intake. If your dog gets 500 calories a day, 50 calories could come from treats."
3. Peanut butter: Peanuts don't appear to cause allergies in dogs like they do in people, says Lauten. "I have some highly food-sensitive dogs for whom peanut butter is a large part of their diet."
- *(The Scribbler): I love to put peanut butter into Kong toys for the dogs that I help train. They are often less destructive and happier when their owners are gone for the day and can better handle the times when they are in their crates.
Please Note: Keeping your dog in the crate for more than even 2 hours a day without exercise can be detrimental to their physical and mental health as a happy family member. Be sure to give the proper amount of daily exercise as recommended by your veterinarian or breeder to keep a happy, healthy best friend.
5. Cooked chicken: Ran out of your dog's regular food? Whether boiled, baked, served rotisserie-style or grilled, this food is a healthy substitute. "Dogs will eat a freshly cooked chicken any way they can get it," says Lauten.
Healthy dogs can handle cooking oils and seasonings. Just be sure to avoid adding onion or too much garlic. If you're concerned, non-salt seasonings can be used, but that matters more for the human eater than the dog, explains Lauten. Scrambled eggs, hamburger, rice, pasta and/or oatmeal can serve as meal replacements in a pinch, adds Lauten.
- *(The Scribbler): If you have a food motivated pup, cooked chicken can be your best friend. Just remember to keep it in small bits otherwise your pup will fill up fast and become bored with the training exercise, and your treats.
6. Cheese: This is a safe snack for dogs, but just like humans, they can experience lactose intolerance, so monitor your dog's reaction. "Many families use a dollop of cottage cheese with every meal," says Lauten. To avoid overfeeding, consider giving your dog low- or reduced-fat dairy products.
- *(The Scribbler): I've found cheese to also be a very valuable training device, it's how I taught my Papillon to do the high-five trick in one day!
7. Bananas: "My dogs love bananas and I share mine with them regularly," says Lauten. "All fruits havephytonutrients and required nutrients. They are good for all of us. If the foods are healthy for me, they are more apt to be healthy for the dog," says Palika.
8. Apple slices: Lauten recommends serving your pup seedless, organic apple slices, because apple seeds naturally contain cyanide. Citrus fruits such as oranges are good too, but leave off the rinds; they contain many oils and could be too strong for a dog's digestive system.
9. Baby carrots: Fresh, crunchy vegetables are good for your dog's teeth, says Lauten. Plus, it's a bit easier not to overfeed with veggies. "If you're giving your dog vegetables, you can give a lot more in volume," because these are low-calorie foods.
10. Green beans: Because this veggie fills dogs up, weight-management programs often include green beans, usually canned with no salt added, says Lauten. "An entire can of green beans contains 70 calories. What a bargain, and filling too!"
8. Apple slices: Lauten recommends serving your pup seedless, organic apple slices, because apple seeds naturally contain cyanide. Citrus fruits such as oranges are good too, but leave off the rinds; they contain many oils and could be too strong for a dog's digestive system.
9. Baby carrots: Fresh, crunchy vegetables are good for your dog's teeth, says Lauten. Plus, it's a bit easier not to overfeed with veggies. "If you're giving your dog vegetables, you can give a lot more in volume," because these are low-calorie foods.
10. Green beans: Because this veggie fills dogs up, weight-management programs often include green beans, usually canned with no salt added, says Lauten. "An entire can of green beans contains 70 calories. What a bargain, and filling too!"
- *(The Scribbler): If I can share the delicious goodness of my green beans with anyone, it would be my dog. Especially if she's on one of her irritated stomach binges.
Of course every dog is different and you and your vet know best if he or she has any food sensitivities, weight issues or other health concerns that should guide your dog's diet. It is always a good idea to check with your pet's doctor if you are planning on changing what your dog eats. Also keep in mind that it is best to introduce new foods to your dog slowly. You don't want your pooch to get gas, bloating, soft stools or other digestive problems.
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