Friday, October 15, 2010

The First Among Many

Alright, so this is my second attempt at becoming a blogger and I must say, this will be a learning experience for me. I started with WordPress and I think I'm going to stick with Blogger- it's more simple and easier to use, which is good. I'm a working college student and I need it to be as easy as it gets.
This blog will be a community of many different topics which range from dog training and a few tidbits on recent articles on the news about different happenings around the animal kingdom to a few musings on Harry Potter and different books that I read, including the ones I am required to read by my classes at the University of Montana. However, for now, this is just the first post of many that I hope to follow up with considering that writing is a skill not many posses (and I hope to require better writing skills as I know I am not the most polished writer in the world).
So for now, this is The Scribbler, signing out to study for my Principles of Biology Exam at 1:00 p.m.
Keep your tails wagging!