Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Holiday Warnings Keep On Coming

I am about to post a list of things you should keep on eye on with the present opening season bounding towards us. If you don't watch much Discovery or Animal Planet like I do, you might have missed a show called "My Dog Ate What?". It depicts a series of events that lead up to the owners taking their dogs to the vet's office to find out they ate any of the following: cake, knives, rocks, Christmas lights, pennies, etc.
As always, leave comments and concerns and I will respond as fast as possible!
Keep Those Tails Wagging and Happy Holidays!
The Scribbler

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Foods Appropriate for Your Pet

On The Dog Health Page, I have found a list of foods that dogs can also enjoy. With the holidays coming around, I know some dog owners will enjoy this since they will know what they can stuff under the table to their waiting best friends.
As always, for any questions, comments and concerns, please feel free to leave them on the blog!
Happy Holidays and Keep Those Tails Wagging!
The Scribbler

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Clothes for Your Pet

There is a new holiday pet clothes warning in the Leashes and Collars section of the blog. If you have any questions, comments or concerns that I have not listed or prompted on, please leave a comment I will get back to you soon! Thanks!
Happy Holidays!
Keep Those Tails Wagging!
The Scribbler

Winter Wonderland!

So here is my new Winter Wonderland layout for the Holidays. I figured that because outside my house is a blizzard it's only fitting to make my blog so! Besides, a little Holiday cheer does everyone some good! 
Happy Holidays, and remember: Keep those tails wagging!
The Scribbler